Culinary glimpses of the future: the gastronomy elite share insights into upcoming trends

Markus Sampl
27. February 2024

Von der Erstberatung, bis hin zur Bemusterung und Ausführung der gewünschten Produkte ein immer zuvorkommendes und engagiertes Team im Hintergrund. Qualität und Preis stimmen sich einander ab. Absolute Weiterempfehlung!

Stephanie Brolli
17. February 2024

Wir möchten unsere überaus positive Erfahrung mit der Firma Uhl teilen. Von Anfang bis Ende war die Zusammenarbeit äußerst professionell und hochwertig. Besonders beeindruckt sind wir von den hochwertigen Karten für unser Wirtshaus, darunter die Speisekarte, Dessertkarte, Weinkarte und Rechnungsboxen. Die Qualität der Materialien und die Liebe zum Detail sind unübertroffen. Darüber hinaus hat uns die Beratung und die Umsetzung unserer individuellen Wünsche vollends überzeugt. Es ist eine wahre Freude, mit einem Partner wie der Firma Uhl zusammenzuarbeiten, der so engagiert und kundenorientiert arbeitet. Wir möchten uns herzlich bei der gesamten Firma sowie bei Frau Schadler bedanken und freuen uns bereits auf zukünftige Projekte. Immer wieder gerne! Herzlichen Dank und beste Grüße aus der Südsteiermark Stephanie Brolli – Weinrefugium Brolli

Helmut Bang
12. February 2024

Von der Top Beratung, über die Zusendung von Muster, über die problemlose Bestellung bis zur Lieferung und Bezahlung der absolut, qualitativ hochwertig verarbeiteten Speisenkarten bin ich sehr angenehm überrascht. Sie werten unser stilvolles Ambiente im Restaurant noch einmal auf. Unsere Gäste sind begeistert, und behandeln unsere Speisenkarten auch als etwas Besonderes!!!

Carina Peer
1. June 2022

• Schnelle, unkomplizierte Abwicklung • Super Kompetent • Sehr freundlich und kundenorientiert • Top Qualität

Roman R.
17. February 2022

Liebes UHL-Team! Danke – alles PERFEKT – sind wunderschön geworden! Danke für die gute Zusammenarbeit.

Michaela Pfleger
30. November 2021

Sehr gute, freundliche und kompetente Beratung, unsere Vorstellungen wurden perfekt umgesetzt und sogar noch übertroffen 😊. Wir hatten für mehrere Hotel- und Gastronomiebetriebe eine Gemeinschaftsproduktion, welche zur großen Zufriedenheit aller professionell umgesetzt wurde. Die hohe Qualität der Produkte spricht für sich. Großes Lob dem UHL Team!

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    Trend 1 Farewell to exclusivity on the plate

    The food service industry is embracing the trend towards the holistic use of food. Increasingly, it is not only exclusive products that can be found on guests’ plates, partly motivated by financial considerations. Instead of entrecôte, beef bow leaf – masterfully prepared, of course – often appears on the menu.
    The same applies to offal. This development is seen as positive, as it emphasizes the chefs’ craftsmanship in getting the best out of every product. What could be better than sour liver with rösti or a traditional Wiener schnitzel accompanied by endive salad and brägele?

    Trend 2 The importance of the experience

    Entertainment and unexpected moments play an increasingly important role in a successful restaurant visit. It is often clear to guests in advance what they can expect, which usually follows a recurring sequence: Amuse-bouche, starter, main course, dessert and wine accompaniment – a predictability that hardly arouses enthusiasm. Perhaps the designs of the drinks menus and menus are new, but the content is not.

    This conviction led to the creation of the restaurant innovation Eatrenalin , a sensory journey that combines multimedia content and culinary excellence to tell a different story in each room. The plan is to expand this idea internationally from Germany in 2024.

    futuristic chef in kitchen

    A look into the future of gastronomy is pretty exciting.

    Trend 3 Reinterpretation of luxury

    A new trend is emerging worldwide, known as “quiet luxury” . This stands for a deliberate contrast to ostentatious displays of wealth and superfluous etiquette and is characterized by understatement and minimalism.

    The Munich restaurant “Jan” has followed this philosophy since it opened in October 2022, and even the award of three Michelin stars has not changed this. In “Jan” there is no dress code and no tablecloths for environmental reasons.

    Haben Sie von diesem Restaurant schon zuvor gehört?

    Quiet luxury also manifests itself in the choice of products: It doesn’t always have to be caviar and turbot. The real art lies in refining simple dishes such as sardines or pork belly in such a way that they can be awarded three stars. This approach serves to lower the inhibition threshold for visiting a three-star restaurant.

    Trend 4 Persistent shortage of skilled workers

    The shortage of qualified staff remains a key challenge in the catering industry. In the kitchen, the situation regarding staff shortages is slowly beginning to improve – at least this can be seen from the increasing number of applications.

    However, the problem remains, particularly in the restaurant service sector. To make the profession of service personnel more attractive, the aim is to make it more varied and lively.

    This approach is already being tested at the “Dichter” in Rottach-Egern, where the service staff also take on some of the sommeliers’ and bartenders’ tasks. This development is advantageous, as the increasing demand for non-alcoholic beverage accompaniments also increases the demands on our sommeliers and the bar team.

    Trend 5 Opportunities through market consolidation

    The financial challenges of recent years have led to consumption decisions being made more carefully, particularly in terms of how often and on what money is spent.

    In the food service industry, this is resulting in a kind of market shakeout, with many businesses no longer able to survive. Although this is painful for those affected, it has a positive effect on the industry in the long term. Ultimately, it is those restaurants that consistently offer good quality at fair prices that benefit.

    Trend 6 Storytelling

    Menus and wine lists should not only list dishes and fine wines, but also tell stories. Nobody may remember the exact ingredients of a ten-course meal after a few months, but impressive stories stick with you. It becomes even more impressive when the philosophy of the restaurant is reflected in these stories.

    A visit to “Aura” in Wirsberg, for example, should be seen as a holistic experience that includes an insight into the kitchen, an introduction to the team, a detailed explanation of the concept and a visit to the Future Lab. Regional food worth almost 340,000 euros is first preserved and stored there using traditional methods so that it can be used in the menu all year round.

    Only by understanding the philosophy and approach can the culinary art be appreciated in its entirety.


    The trends of the future show that gastronomy is developing towards sustainability, creativity and experience orientation. Instead of traditional luxury, the focus is now on “quiet luxury” with a focus on understatement and the optimal use of all resources.

    Innovations such as Eatrenalin enrich the dining experience with unforgettable moments that go beyond the food. Despite the shortage of skilled workers, new opportunities are opening up thanks to more varied areas of work and a focus on quality. The market shakeout could strengthen the industry in the long term by contributing to healthier competition and sustainable management. Stories about the philosophy and commitment of the restaurants are becoming increasingly important to communicate the values and the experience.


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